
Contact Our team will be happy to help you

Service end customers

Phone: 09771 / 63567-186*
Mo-Do: 9:00-12:00,
Mo-Do: 13:00-16:00,
Fr: 9:00-12:00

Service specialist trade

Phone: 09771 / 63567-175*
Mo-Do: 9:00-12:00,
Mo-Do: 13:00-16:00,
Fr: 9:00-12:00

Megasat Headquarters

Phone: 09771 / 63567-100*
Mon-Thu: 8:00-17:00
Fri: 8:00-13:00


Fax: 09771 / 63567-144*
*At the fixed network tariff of your provider,
Mobile radio may differ.

Company address

Megasat Werke GmbH
Brückenstraße 2a
D-97618 Niederlauer

GPS data

Breitengrad: 50.295898
Längengrad: 10.185790
Message to us

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