
Support We are happy to support you
Use the search function to look for a new Firmwaresoftware or operating instructions for your product.
Catalogues & Brochures
We have compiled numerous and interesting product catalogues for you. You will also find brochures about our test drives.
Service Form
To ensure that the complaint about your product can be processed quickly and easily, you can download our service form here.
Help Center
In our Help Center we give you tips or video instructions for various products and procedures.
Product registration
With product registration you will be automatically notified by e-mail as soon as a new Firmwareone of your Megasat product is available.
Dealer search
Are you looking for a dealer in your area? On the websites of our wholesalers you will find a postcode directory for a camping retailer.
Premium Partner
In case of service for Firmwareupdates for a fully automatic satellite antenna, please contact one of our premium partners.
Smart IDU Update
Hier können Sie mit dem Smartphone oder Tablet prüfen ob die Firmware auf ihrer ``Smart IDU`` aktuell ist und wenn nicht ein Update durchführen. Unter Android mit Google Chrome und unter iOS mit dem Bluefy Browser.